Fall Photos from Rural Senegal

Fall Photos from Rural Senegal

What do you think of, when you think of fall? Perhaps cooler temperatures, fall colors, harvest festivals, or a cup of warm cider. Here in the Pacific Northwest where our US Office is located, it also means the beginning of about 6-7 months of cold, cloudy, rainy...
Integrated Approach in Action

Integrated Approach in Action

It is nearing the end of the rainy season in Senegal, and Ndeye Diop, 25, of Walo is out harvesting her watermelon crops. The big, sweet, juicy fruit, along with the rich harvest of vegetables coming from the community garden, will be more than enough to feed her...
Our Children Didn’t Know Vegetables

Our Children Didn’t Know Vegetables

“Before CREATE!, it was difficult to find vegetables in our village. Our children didn’t even know vegetables. Now, thanks to the garden and the guidance of the CREATE! technicians, we are able to grow a variety of vegetables in Gagnick Mack.” Ndeye Maguette Dia, 32,...