What a year it has been! As 2018 comes to a close, we hope that everyone is having a wonderful and relaxing holiday season with their loved ones. We’d like to take this time to reflect upon our 2018 highlights and to thank our supporters who have helped fund our programs halfway around the world. Creating success stories like the ones below possible through sustainable projects in rural Senegal.

Congratulations Thienaba!

We would first like to celebrate Thienaba, our partner community who graduated from CREATE!’s sustainable self-development program earlier this year. Over the last five years, Thienaba has always been determined and diligent, putting their new knowledge from CREATE!’s technicians to work in their village. As a result, Thienaba has been thriving independently since their graduation!

Nogaye Diallo, a hardworking mother of 5 in Thienaba says, “We have the knowledge and skills in gardening now. Women have activities without leaving the community.” She also adds, “They also have the possibility to take care of their children.” Congratulations Thienaba!


Thienaba cooperative president Mme. Mere Top speaks at the graduation event, thanking her community and CREATE! staff for their guidance and support.

Welcome Diabel and Yougouré

As we send off Thienaba, we welcome in new communities Diabel and Yougouré. Our new 2018 partner communities! Members from both Diabel and Yougouré have been working hard over the last few months to prepare their village for upcoming sustainable projects. Preparations include clearing and fencing 1 hectare (2.5 acres) of land for their future garden sites.

The enthusiasm and determination that both Diabel and Yougouré have shown throughout the preparation process proves that they will be successful in the future. We can’t wait to see what 2019 holds for these two new villages! They will be producing vegetables from their community gardens and developing food security in no time.


Members of the village of Yougoure assist with unloading their water reservoir. The reservoir will be installed to hold 5,000 liters of water which members can access from the tap for drinking water.

Our Third Partnership With One Day’s Wages

A huge thank you to the generosity and commitment of One Day’s Wages! This fall, One Day’s Wages chose CREATE! as the recipient of a matching challenge grant for the third time. We are so grateful for their ongoing support and mission to alleviate poverty around the globe.

Within six weeks of the matching challenge grant campaign, we raised our set goal of $30,000! As a result, One Day’s Wages matched us for a total of $60,000. This is the most that we have ever raised during a year-end campaign. Thank you to everyone that contributed and supported our campaign in any way they could! It is supporters like you that help spread our programs and success throughout rural Senegal.


Jerejef, Merci, Thank You

All of these accomplishments have been made possible by supporters like you. Our deepest gratitude goes out to the grants and partner foundations that have helped fund our programs, and the incredible generosity of individual donors who have contributed to CREATE!. Your contributions help to bring our global community closer together, spreading the wealth of opportunity and kindness around the world.

For the end of one year and the beginning of another, we’d like to leave you with a Wolof proverb: Lu metti yàggul te ku muñ muuñ. This translates to, “Whatever is painful, does not last, and whoever perseveres, smiles.” We hope you will have plenty of reasons to smile in this upcoming year of 2019!