by CREATE! | Dec 20, 2019 | Improved Cookstoves, News, Senegal
Teranga, or hospitality, is at the heart of Senegalese culture. From the larger cities to smaller rural villages, you’ll find Teranga across every household and community. Chef Pierre Thiam said in a New York Times article, “Teranga is about the way we treat our...
by CREATE! | Dec 13, 2019 | News, Senegal, Solar Power Projects, Water
Last month, we were proud to announce that Mbossedji, one of two new partner communities, gained access to clean water! Today, we are thrilled to say that our second new partner community, Boustane Lo, had a successful solar water pump installation. Now they are ready...
by CREATE! | Nov 15, 2019 | Cooperative Community Gardens, News, Photo Highlights, Solar Power Projects, Water
We are so excited to announce that Mbossedji, one of our newest partner communities, officially has access to clean, abundant water! This is thanks to a successful well-rehabilitation and installation of a solar water pump by CREATE!’s highly skilled technicians. Now...
by CREATE! | Oct 24, 2019 | News
CREATE! was honored to present at 2019 Cracking the Nut Conference along with many other outstanding organizations. This year, we were thrilled to learn that the conference would be held in Senegal’s capital, Dakar. Cracking the Nut focuses on “tough nut” topics with...
by CREATE! | Aug 30, 2019 | News, Tree Nurseries
Every year CREATEs hosts an annual tree-planting campaign to plant for the planet. On this year’s Journée de l’arbre (Tree Day) in Senegal, CREATE! was awarded a diploma of recognition by the Fatick Governor. The diploma is in honor of our contribution to...