Last month was busy for the CREATE! field team in Senegal. With three new partner communities (Mboss, Santhie, and Dahra) getting started on various projects, from improved cookstove trainings to well rehabilitations, our technicians have been hard at work. Check out some of our latest photos from Senegal to see the highlights from July’s projects.

Photos from Senegal: Women in Fass Kane

The village of Fass Kane graduated from CREATE!’’s program last year, and the community garden has continued to thrive, thanks to the hard work and dedication of the garden cooperative members who tend to it daily.


Photos from Senegal: Fass Kane's fruit trees

Fass Kane’s garden includes fruit and nut trees, many of which are beginning to bear fruit this time of year with the help of the rainy season.


Photos from Senegal: Gardening in Back Samba Dior

Community members of Back Samba Dior take advantage of the summer rains to get work done in their community garden.


Photos from Senegal: Well rehabilitation in Santhie

CREATE!’ technicians and volunteers from the village of Santhie finished their well rehabilitation project last month, emptying out the debris and mud from the bottom, and enabling it to fill with clean, fresh water once more.


Photos from Senegal: Gardening in Mboss

One of CREATE!’’s newest partner communities, Mboss, is beginning to establish its first cooperative community garden, with training from CREATE!’’s technicians. Members learn sustainable and effective growing techniques, as well as how to manage the garden efficiently for their village.


Photos from Senegal: Tending fields in Mboss

Community members in Mboss begin to prepare their field for planting vegetables that they will harvest in the coming months. With their newly installed solar water pump, they will be able to plant different varieties of vegetables year-round, even after the rainy season comes to an end.


Photos from Senegal: Pepper harvest in Keur Daouda

Women in the village of Keur Daouda have already begun to harvest peppers from their cooperative community garden. Anything they don’t use for their families will be sold at the local market and profits can be invested into their VSLA program.


Photos from Senegal: Improved Cookstove Training in Dahra

Dahra is CREATE!’’s newest partner community, so their first project has been to participate in improved cookstove trainings. Having shown a high level of interest in, and commitment to CREATE!’’s program, they will begin taking part in CREATE!’s other projects over the coming months.