This Friday, we are celebrating World Water Day 2019! Water is the source of life and yet, so many people across the globe are left without proper access to it. Particularly clean, affordable, and abundant water. In rural Senegal, where it rains only 2-3 months out of the year, easy access to clean water throughout the year is a dire challenge. However, CREATE! ensures the availability of water in each of our partner communities with rehabilitated wells, solar powered pumps, and gravity fed irrigation systems.

“Wherever you are, whoever you are, water is your human right.”UN World Water Day

Giving Back on World Water Day

Thanks to your support, over 9,000 people in rural Senegal have access to clean, affordable water through CREATE!’s programs. We are so grateful for your continuous generosity, it truly means the world to us and those we serve in Senegal!

For World Water Day 2019, we’d like to highlight CREATE! supporter Nici Brückner who started her own Clean Water Campaign for CREATE! and visited our sites in Senegal earlier this year.


“Something I will remember forever”

This February and March, Nici had the chance to meet our staff and visit CREATE!’s partner communities in rural Senegal. “All I can say is that we had an amazing time and we are in awe of what CREATE! does in these communities. It’s always a big difference being on the ground yourself and seeing directly the impact your work and money makes,” Nici describes. Having previously spent some time in Senegal, her father’s country, Nici understands the critical need for water in the rural areas.

“I also had the privilege of taking my father with me,” Nici tells us. “He is a Senegalese citizen and was more than impressed by the work that CREATE! does and will do in the future. He knows very well the challenges his people face in their country and he was very happy with what he saw.” Both Nici and her father thought the staff from CREATE! as well as the communities were very friendly and helpful.”The welcoming by the women, men, and children in the communities is something I will remember forever.”

Click here to learn more and support Nici’s campaign for CREATE!’s water projects in rural Senegal.

Watch Nici’s experience in Senegal! Click on the video below:

Want to start your own campaign for CREATE!?
Send us a message at and we’ll help you get started!