Access to Water Makes Anything Possible

Access to Water Makes Anything Possible

Having access to clean water has been transformative for all of CREATE!’s partner villages, enabling women to grow crops year-round in their community gardens, as seen above, in Ngoné’s village of Fass Kane. Ngoné Mar has seen her village’s transformation from the...
It Takes a Village

It Takes a Village

You may have heard the old adage, “it takes a village to raise a child.” Here at CREATE!, we believe that it takes a global village to raise up communities that have been negatively impacted by the effects of climate change. And indeed, we have seen the amazing...
Learning and Leadership in Gagnick Mack

Learning and Leadership in Gagnick Mack

Mitou Diouf, 45, of Gagnick Mack, has been a part of CREATE!’s programs in her village for the last three years, and has participated in all four of the primary project sectors. Her favorite activity? Vegetable cultivation, particularly because of all the lettuce she...
Field Report: Visit to the Village of Mboss

Field Report: Visit to the Village of Mboss

This month, CREATE! Founder Barry Wheeler is in Senegal, traveling through CREATE! partner communities to see the progress that community members have made. His first stop last week was the village of Mboss, which officially joined CREATE! in May this year. When Barry...
Fall Photos from Rural Senegal

Fall Photos from Rural Senegal

What do you think of, when you think of fall? Perhaps cooler temperatures, fall colors, harvest festivals, or a cup of warm cider. Here in the Pacific Northwest where our US Office is located, it also means the beginning of about 6-7 months of cold, cloudy, rainy...