Throughout Senegal, families are increasingly interested in purchasing organic vegetables from village markets. In response to this growing trend, CREATE!’s field technicians are using their extensive agricultural skills and knowledge to help free CREATE! cooperative members from the burden of relying on chemical pesticides, and work on expanding their organic gardening practices in Senegal.
Last week, CREATE! field technicians met for three days to brainstorm strategies for developing organic pesticide products. The team discussed many of the common diseases and pests that plague crops in CREATE! cooperative gardens. Each technician then leveraged their extensive agricultural knowledge to propose two possible organic pesticide solutions. The solutions included extracts of papaya, chilies, jatropha, neem, and kapok. CREATE! technicians are now testing the practical applications of these organic solutions at the Appropriate Technology Training and Demonstration Center in Fass Koffe. Our staff will then lead trainings for CREATE! cooperative members in organic pesticide production and use.
Switching from chemical to organic pesticides will greatly improve the health of cooperative members and their gardens. Eventually, cooperative members will be able to exclusively use organic means to protect their fruit trees and vegetable plants from insects and disease. CREATE! cooperative members want an “end to the use of chemical pesticides, which are a threat to people and the environment!”