In May and June, CREATE! Field Technicians held trainings on the construction of improved cookstoves in the communities of Darou Diadji, Mboss, Keur Sarra, and the Ndiayenne neighborhood of Gossas. Hundreds of women participated in these trainings. In the three weeks since the training in Darou Diadji, participants have built more than 69 improved cookstoves!

CREATE! Field Technicians help cookstove training participants use their hands to measure the correct proportions of their new cookstoves.

CREATE! Field Technicians demonstrate the final steps of stove construction during training in Keur Sarra.
CREATE! is excited to partner with representatives from the Senegalese Department of Water and Forestry, including Captain Thiam (pictured below), to conduct trainings in the construction of improved cookstoves. The Department of Water and Forestry is strongly committed to forest preservation and believes that CREATE!’s improved cookstoves are an integral part of this conservation effort. These improved cookstoves require much less firewood than traditional open cook fires.

Women in Darou Diadji are excited to show their new cookstoves to CREATE! staff and Captain Thiam of the Senegalese Department of Water and Forestry.
Improved cookstoves also reduce household expenses because firewood lasts three times as long. The enclosed design of CREATE! cookstoves also reduce the risk of fire and injury to children or animals. Cookstoves also have numerous health benefits – they burn cleaner than open fires and cook meals thoroughly, thus lowering the risk of disease.