by CREATE! | Dec 6, 2019 | Cooperative Community Gardens, Solar Power Projects, Water
The clouds have cleared away, and the blue sky stretches from horizon to horizon as the sun scorches the parched Earth. It will be another nine-months until communities in rural Senegal see rain again. As the dry season progresses, the fresh green landscape from the...
by CREATE! | Nov 15, 2019 | Cooperative Community Gardens, News, Photo Highlights, Solar Power Projects, Water
We are so excited to announce that Mbossedji, one of our newest partner communities, officially has access to clean, abundant water! This is thanks to a successful well-rehabilitation and installation of a solar water pump by CREATE!’s highly skilled technicians. Now...
by CREATE! | Sep 27, 2019 | Solar Power Projects, Water
Water is CREATE!’s keystone program! This is the foundation for economic success in rural Senegal. CREATE!’s solar water pumps bring year-round water to communities. With year-round access to water, communities can engage in projects such as tree-planting...
by CREATE! | Aug 23, 2019 | Solar Power Projects, Testimonials, Water
CREATE!’s partner communities reside within the Fatick, Kaolack, and Louga regions of Senegal. These areas are no strangers to desertification and unpredictable rainfall- the results of climate change. Looking out into the landscape, you would never know that...
by CREATE! | Mar 15, 2019 | News, Senegal, VSLA
In Senegal, there’s a Wolof proverb: Jangal nit ki napp moo gën di ko may xaalis. Translated, the proverb essentially says, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Here at CREATE!, we believe in long-lasting...