We are thrilled to announce that One Day’s Wages (ODW) has selected CREATE! as the recipient of a second matching grant. One Day’s Wages has already pledged its support, but we need your help to raise the remaining $14,878 by November 30 to secure this match. With your donation, CREATE! and One Day’s Wages will provide access to clean, abundant, and affordable water to 2,500 men, women, and children living in the rural communities of Back Samba Dior, Ndéguélère, and Keur Daouda in Fatick Region, Senegal. Donate here: www.onedayswages.org/create

After securing water access, CREATE! field technicians will train cooperative members in sustainable agricultural strategies, including proper watering techniques.
This funding will support the rehabilitation of existing wells and the installation of water basins, elevated reservoirs, solar panels, and gravity-fed irrigation systems in each community’s garden site. This water project is part of CREATE!’s integrated, participatory, and community-based development interventions in these three villages.

Cooperative members work daily in their garden sites to ensure the success of their vegetable crops.
In rural Senegal, water is life. With year-round access to abundant, affordable, and clean water, cooperative members in these three communities will be able to grow vegetables throughout the year for the first time ever. Training in sustainable agriculture from CREATE! field technicians will also ensure that cooperative members have the skills they need to grow fresh, nutritious vegetables to improve the health of their families throughout the year. CREATE!’s training programs in sustainable agriculture also provide new and expanded economic opportunities so that women can supplement their household income and support their families through the sale of excess vegetables in local markets.
With your generous donation, CREATE! and One Day’s Wages can empower men and women in rural Senegal through access to abundant water and agricultural training. One Day’s Wages will match every dollar that you give! Help us today: www.onedayswages.org/create