Spring Photos Highlights

Spring Photos Highlights

The cool season has come to an end in rural Senegal, and daily high temperatures now hover in the low 100s Fahrenheit. Nonetheless, the CREATE! field team continues to work hard with the beneficiaries in all thirteen partner communities so that they can continue to...
Building Solidarity and Helping Others

Building Solidarity and Helping Others

Mbene Fall, 67, is a fish and vegetable seller from the community of Fass Kane. Before her village partnered with CREATE!, she would buy and resell goods on the Kaolack market nearly 20 km away. As a widow supporting a family of 8, it was hard to makes ends meet. But...
Women and Climate Change in Senegal

Women and Climate Change in Senegal

In recent years, the topic of women and climate change has been gaining momentum across global discourse. But for the women in our partner communities in rural Senegal, it’s a very real issue that has been impacting their lives for decades. Of the 13 million people in...
Senegalese Independence Day

Senegalese Independence Day

Yesterday, April 4th, CREATE!’s field team in Senegal had the day off to celebrate Senegalese Independence Day. The annual holiday marks the historic day in 1960 that the nation finally became independent from France after three centuries under colonial rule. Gaining...
Crossing Cultures

Crossing Cultures

Every day, CREATE!’s field team in Senegal works with partner communities to help them manage their community gardens, VSLA groups, poultry sheds, and tree planting campaigns, as well as facilitating improved cookstove trainings. On top of this, over the last couple...